Recently Updated Pages
Ratings for a few popular boorus and links to the page that outlines their definitions. These rat...
File Look-up
MD5 Queries: This will allow you to find tags for files you already have (if the hash value ma...
The copyright: namespace, while used on danbooru and e621, is not recognized on PTR. Use series: ...
Say you have a group of images that you want to represent as being "together" in some way. Either...
Bad Tag Shaming
This document exists entirely to shame some of the dumb tags that we have seen pushed to PTR. The...
# PTR for Dummies or ## Myths and facts about the Public Tag Repository - [What is the PTR...
What is Hydrus
hydrus network - client and server The hydrus network client is a desktop application written...
Changelog <49
version 49 local rating like service local rating numerical service ratings dialog ra...
Changelog 50-99
version 99 added backup database menu option added restore database menu option gone b...
Changelog 100-149
version 149 all listctrls with an attendant delete button will now support the same acti...
Changelog 150-199
version 199 added 'all known files' autocomplete caches, so manage tags dialogs' autocomplete...
Changelog 200-249
version 249 reintroduced shape and colour options to edit ratings service panels reintr...
Changelog 250-299
version 299 wrote ui to review and even edit session cookies by network context. it is s...
Changelog 300-349
version 349 duplicate filter: the duplicate filter page now has a full-on real-deal fil...
Changelog 350-399
version 399 improvements: the media viewer and thumbnail _right-click->manage_ menus no...
Changelog 400>
version 432 tag sorting: the tag sort dropdown has been replaced with a dynamic control...
what is a repository? A repository is a service in the hydrus network that stores a certain kind...
Financial Support
can I contribute to hydrus development? I do not expect anything from anyone. I'm amazed and gra...
Contact and Links
contact and links I welcome all your bug reports, questions, ideas, and comments. It is always i...
privacy Repositories are designed to respect your privacy. They never know what you are searchin...