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File Look-up

MD5 Queries:

This will allow you to find tags for files you already have (if the hash value matches).

We will be doing this by copying the md5 hash value and downloading files from those values. This will not download the files again as you already have them on your client, but it will get the tags (if your download settings are set to that)

You need to be in advance move for this function.

For version 416 and up:

  1. Go to options > files and trash and tick the box for "When copying a file hashes..."
  2. Select the files you want tags for and right-click, share > copy > hash/hashes > md5 to copy the hash values of the selected files into your clipboard.
  3. Paste your clipboard in a gallery download tab of your choosing (booru needs to support md5 searching) by pressing cog button>paste multiple queries merged (or something like that) on the booru download tab.

For version 415 and down:

  1. Select the files you want tags for
  2. Right-click, share>copy>hash/hashes>md5 to copy the hash values of the selected files into your clipboard.
  3. Paste in your newly copied hash values into Notepad++
  4. Add "md5:" as a prefix at the start of each line. You can do this by Replacing (By pressing Ctrl+H) ^ with md5: or md5= Replacing ^ will add whatever you replace with at the start of each line.
  5. Copy all the lines with the md5: prefix
  6. Paste your clipboard in a gallery download tab of your choosing (booru needs to support md5 searching) by pressing cog button>paste multiple queries merged (or something like that) on the booru download tab. After v336 of Hydrus, this should all the placed into a single queue.

This will add all your hash values to your download queue so it will search for the hash value one at a time to get the file.

Note that this only works if the hash value actually matches with the value you have. but you can try this on many sites like danbooru, gelbooru, sankaku and more. those that support md5 searching this way. You can also import all md5 supported nGUG's here:

Both of these ngugs are meant for specific usage with prefixes of md5: vs md5= as not all sites support either or.

Image Recognition:

Use IQDB to find files on other sites with either of these two options.
For newer users with GUI (Python is not required, Windows ONLY): 
CLI+Python required (Linux/Mac/Docker option, also on Windows): 
These will upload your file (even resize first) to the iqdb servers to find similar looking files hosted on Boorus and other sites.
SauceNAO lookup: