Clothing Attributes
Often the attribute of a clothing is called the type of clothing in contemporary speech. This is a common gotcha when it comes to tagging pictures. Let's examine the tag frills
which is common on the boorus. The tag frills
could be used when any form of frills appears inside the picture. This could be on a frill curtain, the neck frills of an animal or a frilled apron. Only one of these is clothing. Hence when we want to be explicit we assign clothing:frilled apron
This is one of the benefits of the clothing:
namespace for clothing enthusiasts. It lets them search and tag pictures with clothing specifically. If they did a general search on a big database only running frills
they may end up with results of neck-frilled lizards and lord knows what kind of abominations instead of lovely clothes. It also lets them do a wildcard search on clothes insides the namespace containing the desired attribute e.g. clothing:frill*